My Zune has been gone for almost a month now. I've been using my mother's iTouch as my main source of mobile music for the time being, and I like it a lot. Its not my Zune though. Originally this should have been a fairly quick process; call Zune support, they send you a box, you send them your Zune, they magically repair it, they send it back, and everyone is happy. Microsoft makes this a fairly plain, simple, and fast process. If you do it the easy, unlike me, you might be impressed... Instead, I choose the long around-the-way method and gave it off to someone else to drop off for me because I had a trip to go on. That person didn't send it off for two weeks. Then when it was ready, I had to drive to the FedEx facility 20 minutes away because I was never home when they tried to deliever it 3 times this week, in the middle of the afternoon, because I seem to be home that time.
Its ok though, cause I have my Zune back. I am happy again... Or am I??
For starters, I am a little bothered, because I did not get my Zune back... I got a Zune back. The Zune that I shipped was brown the Zune that was shipped back is Black. Are there any issues/defects with this Zune? Not to my knowledge. It seems actually to be a brand new Zune running the original 1.0 software.
So you got a black Zune instead of a brown one, whats the big deal? The big deal is that I paid for a brown one. One of the main reasons I purchased that device was for its brown color. I have theory that colors give things more character and personality. They allow you to connect to your device more because it represents a part of you. This is why I like getting things with bright colors, or with colors I know that are not going to be top sellers. It stands out. In a sea of green I want to be that orange flower. I want to be able to tell my mp3 player apart from all the others with a quick glance. I know I can add accessories and other things to help differentiate it, but the color of the device is part of the device. Why couldn't the Zune support say to me "hey, in the case your zune needs to be replace and we are out of stock of your current model, what is an alternate color you would like?" This would have helped prepare me at least for the instance that I did not get my original device back.
To most people the color of the device does not matter. What matters most is the device works. I like brown, I bought a brown Zune, and I was happy with my brown Zune. Is it too much to ask for an option of alternate colors in the case your device must be replace? "I don't care" could be an option and its only one more line on the form...
You know the best part about getting my a Zune back... It still doesn't work. It probably was the cable the whole time, or worse my Zune days might be over, and it might be time to upgrade to an iTouch???
Color Matters. Don't let those silly support people tell you any different. I bought a (RED) iPod Nano recently. I paid extra for it to be (RED). It makes me happier every time I touch it. If I were you I would complain. When I sent my Rock Band guitar in for replacement and they were taking much longer than they said, I complained. I got a nice free month of Xbox Live subscription out of it (or maybe could be standard for replacement).
One last thing, did I read correct? iTouch = Upgrade?
Awwww man, you have fallen to the dark side...
hell yeah you should have gotten the color you purchased. Im sure it wouldnt have taken a bit longer for them to ask "Would you like your orange Zune, Mr. Jones?" But no they assume that its no big deal. Let me send my Pink Zen in and then send me a black one!!! I would be hot. But you know what Im just glad you have your zune back and that you can listen to music in piece while to devise a plan to sneak into Ipod land... we all know you wanna:)
PS I love that you felt this passionate about a color. Colors matter and theres something great about being different and I support orange flowers in seas of green:)
PPS That might just be the most poetic line I've ever read (yours about orange flowers in green, not my bastardization of it:)
I should really edit these things before I post ... le sigh. I'll just blame it on the studying!
@Omari Akil
I have been tempted by the dark side..., sadly I enjoyed it a little too much. Its a sweet device. I think I'd rather have an iPhone though... Take that back I just want a Mac...
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